Robert Oberst & Kalle Beck talk about OB's weekend of filiming a new project, how good frozen yogurt is, why strongman should do cardio, Graham Hicks 461 log press, Going down under? LA Fit Expo, & A lot more check it out!
On This episode of Strong Talk Kalle Beck & Robert Oberst talk about uncondtional love, LA Fit Expo, Training, costco samples, how to train the deadlift in Strongman compared to powerlifting and a call from Edward Hall?
On this weeks Strong Talk
Kalle Beck & Robert Oberst talk about cracking the top 50 on Itunes, sharing a bed, the orgins of Boys, Boys, Boys, Dimitar Savatinov Vs Jerry Pritchett batteling it out at the LA Fit Expo to see who gets an invite to the Arnold and a look back at Worlds Strongest Man 2014 & More!
Episode 2 brings more talk about doing strong stuff with our Strong Friends, Kalle went up to train with Top Amateur HW Evan Hansmann who got BOTH Kalle & OB's started in Strongman. Ob announces his new book Creating a monster, learning from our mistakes, Buying the right equipment and a whole lot more
Kalle Beck & Robert Oberst bring you the first episode of Strong Talk. A podcast about our lives, strongman, fitness & fun. They talk about if Mexico is safe, is Kalle safe in Mexico, new years resolutions, the direction of this show the Giants Live Log lift world championships and OB expanding on his disdain for Edward Hall